Monday, April 28, 2014

How Many

Because of  testing and the technology assessment going on through science classes, I have not been able to do much with the RTs this week, but here are some activities I have done.

  1. Quizlet - the mouse of the RT did not work well with this program so it was not very effective.  I found a similar site called studystack.  There were still some issues with the mouse, however there was a larger variety of ways to use the information.
  2. Virtual Labs - I put several virtual labs on my website for students to use.  I asked them to go to the sites that covered the information they needed more help with (giving students voice and choice).  Most students went to the sites that the labs looked easiest or most fun, rather than the ones they struggled with information on.  I think this will be more manageable with the textbook adoption next year where it will be easier to assign topics and labs to students and have them complete the ones that will benefit them the most.
  3. Test Review - The tablets came in March, right when we were beginning our Blitz for the STAAR test.  I posted several sites where students could review and 6th and 7th grade material that would be on the test.  I also created a Google form.  I asked a 6th or 7th grade review question and asked them to post a website where they found the answer to the question.  Students struggled with this because they had a hard time going back and forth between websites.  We figured out how to make a split screen and that helped.

1 comment:

  1. Keep going! You are doing great. Now that testing is done, you should be able to do more.
